Quiz Night 2021

21/07/2021 3 years ago




  • Start  21/07/2021 17:30
  • End  21/07/2021 22:00
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Core Sponsor

Quiz Night 2021

Congratulations to GL Hearn (The Green Team) who won the AR Quiz night which was successfully held at Sway, Holborn. Our first live event in 18 months!

Thanks also to everyone who attended and a special thanks to CS2 for sponsoring this event.

Date - Wednesday 21st July 2021

Venue - Sway, Holborn 

5.30pm - Arrival
6.15pm - Quiz will commence
8.45pm - Networking 
10pm - Carriages

Some food and drinks will be provided

Sponsored by CS2

Teams of four available 

£100 plus VAT per Team 

Prize for winning team!

To register for this event please click here. On receipt of registration an invoice will be sent directly to you.