Brickwork & Bandsec

19/06/2019 5 years ago

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The Water Rats


  • Start  19/06/2019 19:00
  • End  19/06/2019 23:59
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Hammerson, CBRE & LandSec present 

Brickwork & Bandsec

Date - Wednesday 19th June 
Time - 19:00 -00.00
Venue - The Water Rats, Kings Cross 
Tickets - £15pp (includes drink a nibbles)

Join us for an evening of live music, food and drink at the iconic King Cross venue, where Oasis played their first London gig.
Enjoy yourself whilst raising money for, Shelter From the Storm, a brilliantly run shelter located in North London, providing temporary accommodation to 42 homeless people every night.

If you would like to attend please email Hilary Evans from Hammerson, This event is open to AR Members, Colleagues, Friends or Family.